Saturday, October 19, 2013

The Healing Energy Of You And Your Family And Your Friends

What is the true relationship between you and your family and friends?
You must realize right away that you are NOT your brother's keeper... or your sister's or your mother's or your son's or your best friend's...
While you can provide a soft shoulder for them to cry on and give advice (I do these things quite often) you must realize that you are only responsible for yourself and your own actions. Likewise, everyone else is responsible for their actions as well.
Giving advice is OK if done for the right reason but you should never, NEVER expect anyone to take your advice and live by it.
You are responsible for your own health and well-being. I am of the mind that if you have a problem that you cannot solve yourself you should ask for help. If the help offered by someone is not "helpful" or doesn't sound right to you, don't stop there -- Ask someone else!
For example: If in seeking help someone tells you that your problem is caused because you have cancer and you are going to die next month, don't take their word for it. As a friend of mine likes to put it, "Cancer is a noun, not a sentence." I fail to understand people who have such a problem and do not search every possible avenue, no matter how farfetched it may seem.

Of course common sense plays a big part here. If you are told that the only way to cure a brain tumor is to do a swan dive off the Empire State Building... The proper response would be to advise that person to get some help!
I do not tell you to jump off a building.
A true healer can locate the energy weaknesses in your body. These are blockages to the free flow of your body's own natural healing energies. They can then facilitate the free flowing natural state of the energy to allow your body to heal itself.
Such healing can be instantaneous. This is most easily experienced with most joint issues, muscle aches, headaches (migraines are just headaches), allergies and so on.
Most energy corrections to your body only take a single session and though the results feel magical, they are not magic. This type of healing has been around for thousands of years and is used the world over. Only the force-fed propaganda of "Western Medicine" has kept us from learning of this wondrous method of healing.

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