Thursday, January 31, 2013

Health - Your Most Valuable Asset

Your health is undoubtedly your most valuable asset. So with that in mind how do you protect your health?
Yes you probably have health insurance to look after your health if you become ill and car insurance to take car of you should your health suffer as a result of a car accident. But isn't that paying someone else to look after your health after things go wrong? A bit like closing the stable door after the horse has bolted? What are you doing, or, what should you be doing to look after your health right now?
Do you get regular health check ups? Do you exercise & eat all the right foods that are beneficial to your health? Do you use health care products such as health supplements? Do you smoke, drink or take drugs? Are you aware of how these habits affect your health?
I'm willing to bet that you make darn sure you look after your children's health, making sure that they are not doing anything that is going to cause long term damage to their health? But who is watching your health? 

Sunday, January 27, 2013

How to Exercise Safely After a Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck, also known as an abdominoplasty, is a procedure that many women undergo each year in order to remove excess skin that results from either pregnancy, insufficient elasticity of skin, or a substantial weight gain. While your doctor will recommend that you avoid any sort of strenuous activity after your procedure, there are some light exercises you can do that can provide significant benefits. Make sure that you talk to your physician before performing any sort of exercise program after surgery.

The tummy tuck procedure will involve taking out most of the skin and fat between your pubic area and your navel. Your doctor will reposition your belly button and tighten the connective tissue in your abdomen. There are some post-surgery exercises that can help speed your recovery by increasing blood flow to your abdomen and also help you maintain a healthy weight while you are recuperating.

Many women can put on pounds after this sort of procedure because they cannot take part in strenuous activities when they return home. If you push yourself too hard, you run the risk of damaging the incisions and suffering serious health complications as a result. However, certain light exercises can help tone your muscles and increase your metabolism. They can also help ensure that your figure will remain proportional.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

What to Expect During Your Allergist Consultation

If you are preparing to see an allergist for the first time, you may be wondering what to expect. Here's some basic information on what this type of doctor does, and what you can expect on your visit.

An allergist is a physician who specializes in treating allergies or similar conditions. They must have completed at least nine years of training in immunology, which is the study of the immune system of the body. Many of them are also specialists in treating asthma. These doctors are well versed at treating a variety of conditions, such as ear infections, hives, sinusitis, dermatitis, and many others.

When you first visit your doctor, he or she will want to discuss any symptoms you are experiencing as well as your complete medical history. Before your meeting, jot down any medications you are taking as well as any previous significant illnesses or medical procedures you have had.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Group Health Insurance Quote Tips

Group Health Insurance is necessary to attract and keep good employees. While employers may not like the cost of group health, they should be aware of the benefits to the company and overall morale. There may be things you as an employer can do to alleviate some of this costly pain. Also, all Group Health companies and insurance agents that offer them are not created equal.
The cost of this health insurance versus the need for solid employees should be weighed. There a perception that many in this country that employees will take a cut in pay if they were to be guaranteed a group health plan. There is a simple explanation for this reasoning. People know they will have to go the doctor. Women need to have mammograms and pap smears, the children need their shots and physicals, and men need their prostrate examined, people realize these services cost money. Employees often would prefer that you take money out their check for group health then for them to write a check each month for it.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

What to Expect During Your Abdominoplasty Consultation

An abdominoplasty, better known as a "tummy tuck," is a way to regain your shape after a pregnancy or after you have gained weight. Some people whose skin has become more elastic over time also opt for the procedure. However, it is extremely important that you get as much information beforehand so you can be as well educated and comfortable as possible. That is why the consultation you have with your doctor will be so vital.

While you should do all you can to get to your consultation on time, there is a chance that your abdominoplasty surgeon may be running a little late. In many instances, doctor's appointments run a bit long, so be prepared to wait for a bit. There are other cases where doctors will be called to perform an emergency procedure of some kind, so there is a chance that the receptionist will call to reschedule your appointment.

When your consultation begins, you should have a notepad handy on which you have written down the questions you want to ask. There are some patients who bring a friend or family member with them in order to make sure that no questions fall through the cracks. You should also bring a photo of yourself, as well as one that shows how you want to look. That way, your doctor can give you an honest opinion as to whether or not your expectations are realistic.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Mental Health Maintenance Is Made Simple

Your mental health is often drastically improved when you use the techniques Dr. Kuhn teaches in this article. When you are able to experience this improvement, your relationships blossom, career paths open, and people find you attractive and accessible. You deserve to have fun and joy in your life - and Cliff Kuhn, M.D. will help you do that.
In the classic Frank Capra film, It's a Wonderful Life, George Bailey's mental health is overwhelmed by the difficulties of his life and he wishes he'd never been born. George's guardian angel grants his wish and takes him to a grim reality as it would've been without him. George feels nothing when he reaches into his coat pocket to retrieve the flower his daughter, Zuzu, placed there - and that's when George knows that his wish has come true...he's never been born.
Wishing she had never been born, Roberta became my patient, seeking desperately to improve her mental health. Like the fictional George Bailey character, Roberta's depression and anxiety had grown so strong as to threaten her ability to lead any semblance of a normal life. Fortunately for Roberta, she soon discovered exactly why the natural medicine of humor is one of the most powerful adjunctive treatments for improving mental health, because humor literally pours water on the fire of depression and anxiety.