Monday, July 29, 2013

20 Health Foods That Are Sabotaging Your Weight Loss & Health Goals

How can you expect to manage health & weight, when you've never been taught how to? It's not you!
It's a broken approach.
There is a reason our society is getting you see more illness, obesity, allergies, digestive disorders, cancer, diabetes, immune & thyroid disruptions, neurological conditions, etc. You may fail to understand how nutrient imbalances deeply effect your health, because you THINK you're already "eating healthy", but you're not choosing foods that provide life, energy & health to the body because you've never been taught how to.
So, you're actually creating & struggling needlessly with poor weight, health issues & food cravings by "eating healthy"!...*Read on for our "health foods" to avoid in order to control health & weight.
BOMBSHELL...The following "health foods" are NOT healthy for managing your body weight, energy or illness!
The following are NOT "healthy foods", nor will they support a healthy body weight, a strong immune system to avoid illness & disease, or balanced energy & mood for your busy life! If you're consuming these masquerading "health" foods, their ingredients may be keeping your body in a state of hormonal & nutrient imbalance which generates a physical food addiction with uncontrollable food cravings, while disrupting your bodies natural ability to stay thin & healthy! Take a look at these foods posing as "health foods" that are DEFEATING your health....

Thursday, July 18, 2013

5 Expert Insider Steps to Begin Transforming Your Health & Body Today!

1. When you change your (health & body) thinking, you change your (health & body) beliefs.
If you think what you've been taught is healthy by the mainstream media is where your learning stops, then don't expect to achieve great illness-free, authentic preventative health because they don't teach proactive health approach, they teach reactive wait til you get sick & then act health approach. Begin to change your thinking to change your belief system about your body and health potential.
2. When you change your (health & body) beliefs, you change your (health & body) expectations.
Once you begin to expand your thinking, start to also seek out experts in areas of health & body who have shown & continue to show PROVEN ABILITY TO CREATE TRANSFORMATION RESULTS in their own health & body that you would like to emulate. Begin to sponge knowledge from them vs. what mainstream media claims leads to great health results, & you'll in turn raise the bar on what you expect from your own health. You'll see your new mentor/s are just ordinary people too like you, who decided to blaze their own health path about the quality of health they wanted to achieve for their life by taking the road less followed for their own health in life, and YOU CAN TOO - if you follow in their footprints.
3. When you change your (health & body) expectations, you change your (health & body) attitude.
Once your mind becomes opened by experts to your new health possibilities, you'll have a renewed attitude & confidence about your abilities & empowerment around your personal health & begin to realize that anything you put your MIND to, your BODY can achieve -with the right tools in your toolbox. And THAT is exciting!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Understanding the Definition of Health Related Fitness

Being a Health and Fitness Professional, it is my job to understand terms and definitions which are commonplace to this industry, as well to keep abreast of evolving trends. Through my experience, I have found that a number of terms deserve a little more clarification than that which they are granted.
Aside from clarifying the definition of Health Related Fitness, this article intends to shed some light on a few of the associated terms, and to show their respective distinctions.
Is it simply all in a name?
The fitness world seems to use the concept Health Related Fitness like a generic fitness principle - interchangeable with others like "Physical Fitness", "Health and Fitness" or simply "Fitness."
While all of these terms can be included under the broad term Health and Physical Fitness, they individually refer to different aspects - both generic and specific. Unfortunately, references to these and other fitness-related terms are often vague, while consistency in their intended use is meager at best; there is a kind of "generally accepted" use for them, but individuals often rely on own interpretation, and this can lead to confusion.
With that said, does Health Related Fitness simply infer fitness by means of good health? Not quite. That is why we need to understand a little more behind these words before digesting the definition.