Thursday, October 31, 2013

Top 5 Most Common Health Problems

According to medical findings, staying physically active plays an important role in getting rid of health problems like cancers, diabetes and heart disease. It can also help improve mood and relieve depression. Inactivity normally accompanies advancing age and thus it is advisable to consider exercise programs. In addition, people are advised to eat healthy diets. To live healthy, it is important to consider eating foods that are rich in nutrients. It is equally important to avoid calories in sweets and candy. Some of the common health problems include:
· Overweight & obesity
If you are overweight or obese, your chances increase of dying from type 2 diabetes, hypertension, stroke, coronary heart disease, gallbladder disease, prostate cancer, colon cancer, breast cancer, dyslipidemia & endometrial, respiratory problems, sleep apnea, stroke and osteoarthritis. Therefore, it is important to manage your weight by eating healthy and engaging in an exercise program.
· Mental health
Dementia is often caused by disease, vision & hearing problems, reactions to medications, infections, diabetes, nutritional imbalances and renal failure. Therefore, it is not the result of aging. There are different types of dementia, some being temporary and others being permanent. Once you are accurately diagnosed with Alzheimer, proper management and help follows. One of the most common mental health problems is depression. When left untreated, the condition can cause suicide.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Are You Scared You'll Eat All the Halloween Candy?

Well it's that time of the year when everywhere you look you see candy, treats and sugary temptations all about. If you are in the Zone - meaning on track with your healthy habits - this may not even faze you. But if you aren't look out! This seemigly innocent holiday is loaded with abandon and regret. Sure it tastes good for a minute or two and then you are fiddled with guilt and remorse wishing you could have more self control. Well don't worry it only lasts a few weeks right? However, you could let this type of snacking take over and it could last well into Thanksgiving and beyond. You'll end up crying in front of your mirror when the actual holidays come around and you are unable to fit into the new dress you just bought a few months back.
OK - I will not go on about this potential disaster any longer but rather give you some strategies of how to overcome the temptations.
Here are your 5 strategies on how to handle Halloween and even have a healthy one...
5 Halloween Strategies:
Strategy #1 Don't go down the candy aisle. I witnessed today while shopping that during Halloween there is no designated candy aisle - there is literally candy everywhere you turn. So take a breathe and focus on why you went shopping in the first place to buy chicken, eggs and some fresh vegetables - lots of them. Write out a list if that helps and don't buy off the list. If you don't feel that strong - give the list to your husband, neighbor or teenager (yes, some will) and ask them to go shopping for you. Enroll others help. Or munch on an apple before you go into the store - that will curb your sweet tooth. Also drink some water as that will reduce hunger. You'll end up making wrong choices if you shop when you're hungry.
Strategy #2 Give something else. You might be someone who loves to hand out candy to neighborhood kids so this strategy won't work. My husband and I lived in rural Malibu for many years and actually seldom had children come by on Halloween for their yearly trick or treat. We kind of got used to not having candy around because we didn't need it on that Hallowed Eve.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

An End to European Health and Safety at Work Week

European Health and Safety at Work Week has now come to an end, with events and activities across Europe to mark the occasion and highlight awareness of the importance of being safe in the work place.
In the UK it is the Health and Safety Executive who are responsible for ensuring employees adhere to the Health and Safety at Work Act. Established in 1971, it is designed to protect employees within the workplace and ensure businesses offer a duty of care to their staff.
In 2011/12 there were over 1 million work related injuries, resulting in over 27 million lost working days. This is a huge figure and has a huge impact on businesses in being able to trade efficiently, as without staff a business cannot expect to be successful or indeed operate.
Some injuries are more common than others in the workplace, with each environment having its own set of potential hazards.
Slips and Trips
This is one of the most common types of injury sustained within the workplace, either from slipping on a wet floor or tripping over a hazard in a walkway. Injuries from slips and trips can vary in their severity, from simple sprains and strains to broken bones with the most common affected areas being the wrist and ankle.
Wrist injuries are common after falls as we are programmed to put our arms out when we fall to protect our face, therefore the hand and wrist receives the full force of the impact. A sprained wrist can be very painful and hinder your ability to work, especially if it is your writing hand which is damaged. These are largely self-limiting conditions and the inflammation and pain should subside within a few days, allowing you to regain full control of your wrist. It is clear to understand the importance health and safety when a minor issue such as a sprained wrist can lead to a few lost working days.
Another method of rehabilitation from wrist injuries is the use of a wrist support, designed to offer protection and support of the joint following injury. There are different types of wrist supports depending on the nature of the condition you wish to manage, from breathable materials designed to manage inflammation to rigid designs which restrict movement of the joint to minimise the risk of further injury.

Monday, October 28, 2013

5 Surprising Ways Toilet Paper Hurts the Environment

Many people are becoming more aware of the environment these days, trying to find ways that they can help the world be a healthier place. But there is something that most people use that is actually very damaging to the environment, which is considered to be necessary by millions of people. This item is toilet roll.
Let's look at the effects that toilet tissue has on the environment.
Toilet paper destroys trees
One of the biggest effects on the environment is that toilet paper destroys trees. Although a lot of companies are making toilet paper with recycled paper, it still has a big impact on trees. This is because millions of trees are still being cut down every year to satisfy our insatiable demand for loo paper which isn't recycled.
Even though recycling has helped with this problem, it still is a huge problem. It's estimated that over 7 million trees are cut down annually to make toilet paper just for the United States. How about the UK, Australia, Canada, Europe? Millions more trees needlessly cut down.
Chemicals are used in toilet paper production
Another big issue with toilet tissue production is that chemicals are needed, such as chlorine and bleach to whiten the paper. These chemicals often enter the environment once the manufacturing is complete and can affect the plant and wildlife that comes into contact with them.
Toilet paper clogs our sewage systems
One of the biggest problems with loo paper is something that most people are not aware of. Toilet paper and wet wipes clog our sewers and septic tanks. It's especially bad with septic systems, since when the septic tank overflows it can go into the land and into the water, making animals and humans sick.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

How to Reduce Stress in Your Life Before It Hurts You!

Everyone suffers from stress now and then; however, there are things you can do to reduce stress, especially if it interferes in your daily activities.
To reduce and manage stress, it is important to take charge of your emotions, thoughts and the way you look and deal with problems. Managing stress begins by finding out what the sources of stress are in your life. Many things cause stress such as not knowing how to handle certain situation, worrying about your work or putting off things that need to be done. To find out what is causing stress in your life, look carefully at how you handle problems and your daily habits.
Many have found help dealing with stress by starting a stress journal. By keeping a stress journal you can keep track of what is causing you to be stress out, how you acted in response to the stress and what you did to make yourself feel better, more relaxed.
There are many ways that unhealthy when coping with stress such as smoking, eating too much, using pills to relax or sleeping too much. It is important to note that there are healthy ways to manage stress such as avoiding the stressful situation or person, alter the stressor, adapt to the stressful condition or accept the stressful condition or person.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

The Various Benefits of Consuming Natural Health Foods

Nowadays, more and more people around the world are realizing the importance of a healthy diet. Overdependence on fast food has led to a massive increase in obesity, diabetes and other health problems all over the world. Most fast food chains use high amounts of oil to make their food, which leads to high cholesterol and heart diseases as well.
There are a number of natural health food products available in the market these days. These products promise to be just as tasty and filling as fast food items, and do not cause any harm to the body. While apple chips, organic fruit preserves, etc. are partially processed foods, they do provide almost as many benefits as the real thing.
Foods like burgers, fries, cheese, and certain desserts have a high amount of unsaturated fat, which could lead to clogged arteries and heart diseases. A lot of fast food joints have started to offer healthier items on the menu. However, what most people don't realize is that some of the components used in such foods such as sauces and dressings, minimize any benefit you get from eating healthier items.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Now Is The Time To Lose Weight

So you really want to shed those extra pounds clean off. But you never seem to get to it and instead push your goals farther back until it becomes one failure after another. Well, I'm here to tell you that you can start right here and right now. Don't put it aside any longer.
You drive past the same old workout building everyday on your way to work. You look through the windows and see people lifting, running, pulling, whatever they are doing to becoming better human beings. As you continue on, a part of you wants to be in there right now exerting and challenging yourself. But when are you going to find time for that? If you have a busy schedule you know what this feels like. But let me tell you that you don't need a gym to get fit, or even an exercise ball.
It all starts in the mind. Stop putting yourself down and feeling frustrated. That's not going to help you one bit. What you need is hope. Purpose in your mind that failure is not who you are. Make the most of the one life you have to live. It flies by faster than you know. Look at exercising as an opportunity to live life to the fullest, to reveal the real you under all that weight. And when does that start? Right now.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Important Advice on Hygiene

Use The Bum Gun Bidet Sprayer:
Using The Bum Gun after every trip to the bathroom can dramatically decrease the amount of bacteria on your hands. Put some distance when doing 'your business' between bacteria and your hands.
Wash your hands:
Always wash your hands after going to the toilet, even when you use The Bum Gun. Wash your hands regularly throughout the day. Having clean, hygienically clean hands is the single most important way to prevent the spread of infectious diseases.
We all should know how important it is to wash our hands after using the toilet, but fewer than 50 percent of people actually do it. A lot of research suggests very few actually wash their hands properly. Wash for at least 20 seconds, but 30 to 45 seconds if possible, scrubbing between fingers and under nails. And if possible pick up that soap for a second time, and lather, rinse and repeat.
Public Bathrooms:
Don't close the taps with your bare hands after washing. Use a hand towel.
Don't open the door with your bare hands after washing. Use a hand towel.
Use Hand Sanitizer:
Use hand sanitizer at your desk at home, and especially at work. When you get to work use it. After any breaks use hand sanitizer. And basically when you just haven't used it for a while. You can't be too clean.
Don't use the same cloth for everything:
Most people often use the same cleaning cloth to clean everything in the kitchen. The worktops, washing the dishes, and the chopping board. How many mums also use that same cleaning cloth to wipe their kids faces?
Prevent cross-contamination:
To prevent cross-contamination. Use a different implement for each cleaning task in the kitchen and bathroom. Disinfect cutting boards after each use.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

When Beauty Works With Science

A combination of common to unique qualities that project an enchanting aesthetic sense most especially to the sight, this is what beauty means.
Now what does science mean? Or what comes into your mind when talking about science? Science is anything that involves intellectual activity or something that speaks of practicality that touches the systematic system of how something is being structured.
Now what if beauty and science cross paths? What would be the end result when beauty and science are to combine together and work as one? Well that gives one a tough question.
When science came in conjunction with beauty one of the end results is innovation. Yes, innovation in the sense that some so ordinary can be further enhance through science to let its really beauty show off. Science and beauty may be the best opponents in facts and at some point in subjectivity but when they work together they indeed promise good outcomes. Both can bring together advancement in science and technology and can further make both beauty and wellness something that people can easily and better access.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Ways To Keep Young Tennis Players Motivated

It can be challenging at times for parents, coaches and tennis trainers to keep young tennis players motivated. Let's look at some factors that affect their motivation and enthusiasm.
1. Over training or Burnout leads to fatigue (mentally and physically) this is caused by training too much or not resting enough. I would say this is one of the main reasons young players lose motivation but it can be avoided by having a structured tennis fitness plan.
2. External distractions. By external distractions I mean, the opposite sex, computer games, spending time with friends, other sports and discovering other interests. It is important too that you realize things will change from time to time as young players develop so too do their interests and desires. More often than not the more you try and restrict certain things the more they may rebel or be inclined to loose interest in the things they have been focused on for years.
3. Communication. Asking questions like; what are you enjoying about your lessons/ tennis training program, what do you enjoy about tennis, what do you feel we need to change to make things better. It is important to have an open line of communication and get them thinking about their tennis, not just doing it.
4. External negativity. Parents, coaches, trainers, friends and relatives that display impatience, aggressive behavior or dismissive body language towards young players, will have a detrimental affect on their attitude and motivation. These negative behaviors can ruin their confidence and self-belief.
Setting short-term attainable goals is important when trying to keep young players motivated. When we start a new tennis fitness program with a young player we discuss the objective and set some attainable goals for them to strive for. We call this "The buy in" and it works really well because they feel they have helped set the goal and as long as it is kept challenging and enjoyable they will do their best to achieve it.
We do not recommend giving food or treats as rewards to young players as a form of motivation; it sets up a bad platform for the future. Every time they do well you don't want them thinking, YES, I get to have McDonald's tonight. If they have been doing well, trying their best or achieved a goal, it is best to reward them with an experience (massage, time with friends or a movie)
10 ways to keep young players motivated.
1. Get involved and enthusiastic about tennis yourself. Watch matches on T.V, follow the professional tours, and plan trips to watch tournaments. Young players take in a lot from adults, they can feed of our enthusiasm and attitude towards things.

Monday, October 21, 2013

The Basic Symptoms of Renal Problems

Are you tensed about kidney diseases?
If one can recognize the kidney disease at an early stage, the treatment would become much easier for the doctors. Nowadays a number of people are suffering from kidney problems. You need to identify the symptoms and then go to the doctor for proper cure. Actually the symptoms are kind of silently occurring changes in the body which is difficult for the person to understand. There are various kinds of symptoms. Mainly basic symptoms are the lighter ones. But if the disease has reached a higher stage, then there are complex symptoms. But is it possible to assess your body on your own? For that you need to know about the basics of kidney symptoms.
The signs of danger
The symptoms which are generally associated with the kidney diseases mainly occur due to the less quantity of lecithin. The deficiency of lecithin results in the gathering of calcium in the tissues of the kidneys which leads to swelling. These swellings prohibit the kidneys form normal functioning. The kidney is basically the organ which helps in purifying the blood. Any effect on the kidney will lead to impure blood.
The symptoms include:
• Blood in urine
• Swelling of body parts

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Understanding the Fundamentals of Renal Issues

What are kidney diseases?
Kidneys are very important organs of a human body which are bean shaped and located on both the sides of your spine just above your waist. Kidneys are very crucial for a human being as they perform several functions. Their main function is to purify the blood by removing the excess fluid and waste materials from the blood. The kidneys help in maintaining a balance between the salt and mineral levels in the body. They also help in regulating the blood pressure. When the kidneys are damaged, the excess liquids in the body emerge out in the body in the form of swellings. You feel fatigued. The other symptoms are vomiting, poor sleeping pattern, weakness and short breathiness.
What are the causes of acute injury of the kidneys?
The loss of the function of the kidney is termed as acute kidney injury or renal failure. These can happen due to the following points:
• A bad injury with excessive blood loss.
• Reduction of the flow of blood to the kidneys.
• Kidney damage due to shock.
• Enlarged prostate in males which obstruct the urine flow.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

The Healing Energy Of You And Your Family And Your Friends

What is the true relationship between you and your family and friends?
You must realize right away that you are NOT your brother's keeper... or your sister's or your mother's or your son's or your best friend's...
While you can provide a soft shoulder for them to cry on and give advice (I do these things quite often) you must realize that you are only responsible for yourself and your own actions. Likewise, everyone else is responsible for their actions as well.
Giving advice is OK if done for the right reason but you should never, NEVER expect anyone to take your advice and live by it.
You are responsible for your own health and well-being. I am of the mind that if you have a problem that you cannot solve yourself you should ask for help. If the help offered by someone is not "helpful" or doesn't sound right to you, don't stop there -- Ask someone else!
For example: If in seeking help someone tells you that your problem is caused because you have cancer and you are going to die next month, don't take their word for it. As a friend of mine likes to put it, "Cancer is a noun, not a sentence." I fail to understand people who have such a problem and do not search every possible avenue, no matter how farfetched it may seem.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Family Carers Don't Have To Be Alone With Home Care Assistance

It has been estimated that there are over 5.5 million carers across the United Kingdom providing varying levels of care for friends and family. These people are commonly known as family carers. This type of care can range from providing round-the-clock care for a disabled loved one, to simply checking on an elderly relative - to ensure that they're okay. Being a family carer is tough; it requires dedication and full commitment, but can be incredibly rewarding. In the most severe of cases, family carers will work 50-hour weeks, leaving them with little time to relax in a quiet environment, Although carers, in a fully committed mind set, will typically consider everyone else's need but their own, it's important for a break to be taken; or at least for some of the strain to be taken from their shoulders.
The home care assistance offered by many care agencies is great for these purposes. Though, some carers are wary about disrupting the care recipient's routine, home care assistance typically consists of a professional carer coming in to provide care. There's absolutely no relocating the care recipient to a care home. So, there's no need for a family carer to worry about having to move their loved one in an environment they're completely unfamiliar with, so they can take a break - regardless of how short.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Why Having a Food Wash in the Kitchen Is Important to Your Family's Health

In today's world, we hear more and more horror stories regarding the contamination of food products. Whether it's salmonella found in a fresh chicken supplies or E.Coli lurking in our produce, these bacterial contaminants can cause severe illness or even death in some cases. This is why it is imperative to ensure that a good quality organic food wash forms part of your list of kitchen cleaning supplies.
Types of Food Wash Available
Over the years, many food wash products have claimed that they are suitable for all types of food. However, this may not always be the case. Different types of food are susceptible to different types of contaminants, which is why it is important to use the correct product for each food type. A fruit wash and veggie wash will ensure that your fresh produce is left clean and bacteria-free, while a meat wash product will assist with the removal of various harmful contaminants from your fish, chicken and meat products.
Removing Unwanted Contaminants
When it comes to purchasing food products, it is impossible to determine how often it has been handled during the shipping, storage and packing processes. This makes the food vulnerable to contamination via physical contact. It is also possible for fresh food supplies to become contaminated by simply being exposed to existing stock on store shelves and in refrigerators. Ensuring that your purchases are thoroughly washed and dried prior to being packed in your refrigerator or pantry will go a long way in preventing contamination and the spread of harmful bacteria to your family.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

4 Ways on How to Relieve Hip Pain

The hip joint is essentially a ball and socket joint that is designed to provide a near unrestricted range of motion and withstand this cyclic process and the wear and tear it brings along. Due to the frequency of usage, the hip joint can break down easily. The soft tissues located in the hip will be overused and injuries such as fractures and sprains can then happen, leading to hip pain. We will discuss about some ways to relieve hip pain in this article.
Stretching exercises
Stretching exercises help to keep the target group muscles warm and flexible. Exercises will increase blood flow to the area, bringing more nutrients such as oxygen and aiding repair works. Hip exercises such as bridging can help to relief hip pain. You simply have to lie down on your back and raise your butt off the ground while contracting your abs muscle. Hold in this position for 10 seconds and repeat for 3 sets.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Tips on How to Take Control of Your Weight

1. Cleansing the body
This should be the first step for anyone embarking on a weight loss journey. This is a process of removing toxins from the body. The following are different ways of cleansing the body. These are:
a) Detox diets
b) Fasts
c) Colonic irrigation
a) Detox diets
Detoxification has been practiced for a long time by various cultures around the world. It involves resting cleaning and nourishing the body from the inside to the outside. This way, toxins are removed and eliminated and after that the body is fed with healthy nutrients. Detox helps you to renew your ability to maintain good health.
Despite their benefits, detox diets should be done carefully after consulting a doctor.
A good detox diet is one that nourishes your body with the right nutrients to keep our systems working smoothly and to aid in removing toxins from our bodies. Detox diets help the body's natural healing process by,
i) Resting the organs
ii) Stimulating body organs to remove toxins from the body
iii) Improving blood circulation
iv) Refueling the body with healthy nutrients
There are many detox diets in the market that involve extremely low calorie intake, which can rob the body of essential nutrients causing dehydration fatigue dizziness nausea and even colon damage. They also place the body in starvation mode, which, basically slows down your metabolic rate. These detox plans should be completely avoided.

Monday, October 14, 2013

What Is IV Nutrition Therapy?

Eating clean food and exercising regularly is not always enough to stay healthy, especially for people who suffer from immunity problems or who have diseases that weaken their body's ability to absorb nutrients. In order to maintain a proper internal balance, supplements are often seen as a necessary option. One method many natural health clinic providers have turned to as a means for treating their patients' ailments is IV nutrition therapy.
If you have ever been in the hospital, chances are you were hooked up to an IV machine. These devices are instrumental in providing the body with vital nutrients in the right doses. However, the best thing about IV nutrition (and why virtually every medical provider has them on hand) is the delivery method.
The Advantage of IV Nutrition Therapy
While oral supplements have equal amounts of vitamins and nutrients, they can sometimes be rendered ineffective when problems with digestion occur. It is not uncommon for people who have low amounts of hydrochloric acid (stomach acid) and digestive enzymes to experience minimal nutrient absorption, which basically makes the process counterproductive altogether.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

More About Life and Physical Science For Chiropractic School Requirements

When you are looking to enroll in a chiropractor college, you will usually need to have completed at least 90 credit hours in an accredited program. Chiropractic school requirements generally encourage a focus on health and science courses, and investing in these classes and doing well in them can increase your chances of being accepted for admission. These classes can include:
Anatomy or Anatomy and Physiology - This choice gives students a solid foundation on the physical structure of the body and how each part works together.
Biology - The general study of biological systems takes students on a tour of everything from the inside of the cell to an overview of all living things on the planet. This will be a good introduction to some of the concepts you will learn more about in your chiropractic courses.
Physics- Knowledge of physics demonstrates solid scientific thinking. On a more base level, the manual correction of subluxations shows a solid understanding of physical force applied specifically and practically and for best results in patient care.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Three Great Reasons To Choose a Chiropractic Career

A chiropractic career can be incredibly rewarding, which gives people many motivations for why they may embark on that path. However, even beyond the work itself, here are some of the top reasons people take up this career path:
1) Positive influence over the lives and well-being of patients
As a chiropractor, you will help patients achieve better health and over all well-being. Your hands-on adjustments will be key to their sustained health, as you help their bodies work their best. Furthermore, you will be trained to communicate with patients to assist them in healing in a supportive environment. This is another specialty of the field, with chiropractor training to sit down with patients and make sure they understand every step of the process, as well as emphasis on follow-up and a detailed patient history.
When it comes to helping people, a good chiropractor college typically starts you on this path early by having you work directly with patients during your education. The best schools have an on-campus clinic with x-ray machines and other equipment like thermography scanners. Students get a chance to view real cases and then work under the supervision and support of practising chiropractors. This lets them experience all the challenges they will encounter later, as part of their careers.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Easy Ways to Assess Your Health

When seeking to understand and evaluate your health, there are some key things we should all look at. Strength, height and weight, clothes size, and stress levels just to name a few. And while these things certainly matter, there are some other pieces of the wellness pie that we need to consider when looking at holistic health. Check them out below.
Essential Numbers
When was the last time you had blood work done? Have you been putting off your yearly physical because you are afraid of what your doctor might say? It is critical that you know and understand your own personal health as indicated by blood pressure, heart rate, cholesterol levels, and blood sugar. Knowing these will help you establish an effective plan for better health and wellness, and it will give you a baseline from which to base your progress. So educate yourself, and aim for healthy ranges.
Recovery Time
How long does it take you to bounce back from a tough workout, from climbing a set of stairs, from doing 20 jumping jacks? Knowing how quickly you recover and regain a normal, unlabored breathing pattern can be a great indicator of your current fitness level. If you are huffing and puffing for minutes post-workout, keep up the good work and shoot for progress. If you can go for a hike and maintain stable breathing, you might be better off than you thought. Whatever your current state of health, there is always room for progress or different goals.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

What Is Chiropractic Care All About?

The skill of chiropractic has been in practice since 1895, when D.D. Palmer in Davenport, Iowa founded it. Although it has been a never ending care plan that has been questioned, it also is a course of treatment that has been in practice since that time. the controversy that surrounds chiropractic profession is partially due to its metaphysical origins.
While there is a general scientific consensus that chiropractic is as effective for lower back pain as other treatments, it is yet to be proven to be effective on other medical conditions. Chiropractic subluxation has been proven to help with low back pain and similar problems, it is rumored to have adverse effects on some areas of the circulatory system, it is considered safe and helpful by those who take advantage of the treatment.
Most insurance companies cover chiropractic care to some extent. In the United States, Medicare will pay for subluxation by a chiropractor. This is the process that adjusts the spine to a state of well-being. When the spine is out of alignment, there is pain. By using firm, gentle pressure along the spinal column, the chiropractor can ease the pain and spasm of an uneven spine.
Initially, chiropractors felt that spinal subluxation was responsible for allowing the body to heal itself. While it is still considered an important step in good health, it is not stated to cure every illness. Many chiropractors have incorporated other treatments in their practice.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Special Treatment For A Weekend Injury

There is never a good time or convenient time to suffer an injury or illness. But families with active children know that kids can pick the most inopportune times to fall from skateboards and bicycles or sprain an ankle sliding into second base. Generally these types of mishaps occur on a Saturday when both parents have their honey-do lists and trying to find a doctor to see a young patient on short notice is almost impossible. Then they think of their neighborhood Urgent and Primary Care Clinic. They have been there for a stuffy nose but the sign on the door says 'Urgent" and this is an urgent matter.
The Urgent and Primary Care Clinics are not just for kids. They can see and help a mother's adult kid, too. How many husbands begin the day with their to-do list and by Noon it has become an oops list? Thank goodness the clinic can help him with the back ache from carrying too many garbage bags, banged knuckles from trying to build that tree house, and the awful allergic reaction to the yellow jackets that stung him while he tried to trim the shrubs. While some injuries can be the result of poor judgment, an illness like the allergic reaction can become quite serious without proper treatment.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Fun Ways to Get In Shape Now

For most people, the thought of getting in shape is not all that desirable. You may be thinking that you have to get out and run really hard each day in order to be successful at losing weight. This is not the case. The way you approach losing weight will make It a lot easier for you to succeed. Not only will you be able to lose weight, but you'll also be able to keep it off for good. Living a healthier lifestyle is a lot less difficult with the right approach and mental attitude. Running does not have to be the only way that you try and lose weight. There are other ways that you can get in better shape that do not involve as much rigorous activity. Have you ever thought about playing tennis? What about riding a bike? These are a few things that do not involve getting on your running shoes and sweating like crazy.
If you do not enjoy running, consider the other options that you have to get in shape. Physical activity does not have to be boring and strenuous. Playing tennis can be a fun thing for you because it may not be something that you're not used to doing. There are a lot of people that enjoy playing tennis and this is helping them to get in better shape. You may find that other people are also trying to get in shape and they are not even the most skilled tennis players. You may find that playing tennis can be a fun way for you because it is not as boring as running. You will get a lot of exercise because you will be running back and forth on the court. You may not realize how much running you are doing because chasing the ball will take your mind off of how much running you are actually doing.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Healthy Ways To Beat Type 2 Diabetes

If you have discovered that you have Type 2 Diabetes, this can be a shocking and frustrating discovery - one that brings up far more questions than it does answers, and that can even cause a fair amount of fear (furthermore, you may be living with Type 2 Diabetes and not even realize it - something that, believe it or not, occurs for many people); hopefully in stumbling upon this article, however, you have made a decision to not simply settle down with your fear and concern, and have instead chosen to find ways to beat your Type 2 Diabetes. And while it may not always be possible to completely get rid of your Type 2 Diabetes for good, there are plenty of healthy choices you can make to get back to a place where you are healthy, and where you are no longer affected and held back by this disease.
Exercise is important: One of the most important things to realize, when it comes to beating this disease, is that starting to become more active is one of the best things you can do - and this does not necessarily mean you need to install a rigorous workout routine, either, as even just going for a walk each day can make a huge difference in your health; the results from your exercise may not come right away, but over time you will discover that you are losing weight and are lowering your fasting blood sugar levels to a more normal range.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

What Is Dementia? And What Are Signs and Symptoms of Dementia?

Dementia is not a single disease in itself, but a general term to describe symptoms such as impairments to memory, communication and thinking.
While the likelihood of having dementia increases with age, it is not a normal part of aging. Before we had today's understanding of specific disorders, "going senile" used to be a common phrase for dementia ("senility"), which misunderstood it as a standard part of getting old.
Light cognitive impairments, by contrast, such as poorer short-term memory, can happen as a normal part of aging (we slowly start to lose brain cells as we age beyond our 20s3). This is known as age-related cognitive decline, not dementia, because it does not cause the person or the people around them any problems.1 Dementia describes two or more types of symptom that are severe enough to affect daily activities.
Symptoms that are classed as "mild cognitive impairment" - which, unlike cognitive decline, are not a normal part of aging - do not qualify as dementia either, since these symptoms are not severe enough.1 For some people though, this milder disease leads to dementia later on.
An analysis of the most recent census estimates that 4.7 million people aged 65 years or older in the US were living with Alzheimer's disease in 2010.5 The Alzheimer's Association has used this analysis to number-crunch the extent of the disorder in its 2013 report. It estimates that:
Just over a tenth of people aged 65 years or more have Alzheimer's disease.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Do Resistance Bands Serve As Reliable Fitness Products?

Health and fitness has been an increasing dilemma in our current society. Nowadays, the world is facing a lot more diseases as well as other problems, compared to any previous era. Being overweight, cancer, high blood pressure, and diabetes are just some of the immediate conditions that can be forcing people choose the more fit side of life.
In the attempt to become healthier and happier, many people are considering different food options, exercise programs, and weight-training. A particular method of body building that has become gradually favored nowadays will be the resistance band training. If you are not really acquainted towards the stated method, as soon as you scan this informative article, you're going to be.
Resistance workout is really typical. It can furthermore be looked at as an alternative or maybe counterpart for weight training, since many men and women use weight lifting, dumbbells, and/or other gym weights to reinforce and firm up muscle mass. Though not latest in existence, it's kind of new in interest as a possible action instrument, and it has emerged from the world of fitness to be well-known as the resistance, or stretch band. At most simplified means, this particular instrument can be described as a rubber band. But, it is not the traditional small rubber band that a person use to bind things up. It is a thicker, garter-like elastic band or the item might be longer and also have holders. It is specifically constructed for body building.
How can the elastic band function?
The particular use of the resistance training band is definitely to assist an individual build and also enhance your muscles through invulnerable force. One particular side of the elastic band will be held down by way of the foot or by one hand, while the other palm pull on it just like forcefully expanding out the farthest way possible. Should an individual assume of it, it really does appear just like a good manner to tire yourself off. Stretching out one elastic band using your own hands is usually kind of an exercise routine.
How does it compare to body building?
It is not exactly identical to body building. First off, the method of making use of this tool is extremely unusual. Weights already posses a particular mass that you will probably carry, just like ten pounds. Regardless of what you should do, this weight isn't going to vary. But, when it comes to resistance bands, you can find simply resistance. This resistance is definitely developed by just your own human body when you hold the elastic band down.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Being Powerless - Illusion of Alcoholics Anonymous

Hi there beautiful being - welcome to the world of power. In this world, judgment of you stops & you reclaim your personal potency, knowing you are not victim to anything and no longer have to look to others for your answers. Potency is innate power without using force and minus control.
I am wondering -
√ Have you struggled with addictions?
√ What if you could stop judging those addictions as wrong?
√ What if your purpose were to remember that you were created in perfection and to acknowledge who you are with every choice?
We have been taught from infancy to believe we are powerless - that others have the control. We have been programmed to give our power away to our families, our religious institutions, our schools and governments. Even AA, has encouraged you to give away your power with its first step, "We admitted we were powerless over alcohol, that our lives had become unmanageable."
Oh my goddess, what a blatant lie! I am here to assure you that we are powerless over no - thing, nothing. Rather, we are the POWER, our own SUPER POWER - we are powerful creators who create our life's experiences by our thoughts which ultimately bring about our feelings. Everything is energy... our experiences validate what our thoughts have been vibrating.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

10 Fitness Tips for Busy Moms

It's not just a saying that "... Being a mom is truly the most important and the most difficult job on earth." Moms are almost expected to be super-human: maintaining a home, cooking, homework, bathing and caring for little ones, caring for not-so-little ones (depending on how self-sufficient your husband is) and, very likely, going to work. It's no wonder most of us don't have time to get back our pre-baby bodies. When do you fit a workout (or even a shower for that matter) into that kind of schedule?
But, here's a little secret you might not know: if you manage to fit some exercise into your ultra-demanding schedule, it will get easier... not easy, being a mom is never easy, but it will make it easier to accomplish all the things you have to do in a day. One of the many benefits of getting fit is that it boosts your energy level. So here are 10 tips that might help you to fit working out into your schedule and to stick with it:
  • Work around your schedule. Don't reschedule your life to fit in a workout, schedule your workout to fit your life. If you can only workout 15 minutes on a given day, then get in that 15 minutes. Doing something is always going to benefit you more than doing nothing.

  • Do a workout that will give you the most benefits in the least amount of time. The workout that will do this for you is resistance training. Simply put, muscle burns fat - even at rest, a person with more muscle will burn more fat than a person with little muscle. This doesn't mean that you have to look like a body builder. A toned, healthy physique is the key.

  • Change it up. Workout boredom is one of the main reasons people quit working out. Get some variety in and don't repeat the same workout over and over again. Not only will your muscles adapt to it thus decreasing its effectiveness, but you won't stick to it if the thought of doing it bores you silly.

  • Make it fun. Blast some motivational tunes, dance and sing out loud between sets (okay, maybe not if you're working out at a gym), post some motivational posters in your workout space. Heck, give yourself some positive feedback. When you finish an especially hard set yell "I ROCK!!"

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Tips to Improve Hormone Imbalances

Have you been feeling tired lately, more than normal? Do you find it difficult to wake up in the morning or perhaps fall asleep easily at night? Have you noticed any dramatic weight fluctuations? If you have answered "yes" to these questions, the problem may lie in a hormone imbalance. So it is important for you and your health that you understand the potential severity of this issue and why it is imperative to treat it accordingly.
What are Hormones?
In the simplest terms, hormones are the body's natural chemical messengers. They interact with every process and come in many different types. Growth, reproduction, mood, and metabolism are just a few of the things hormones have a marked impact on, and as such, the quantity of their production has a direct effect on how these processes are carried out in the body. Hormones are produced by the endocrine glands (pituitary, adrenal, thyroid, etc.) and consumption of healthy fats and cholesterol is what facilitates/regulates hormone release.
The Effects of Abnormal Hormone Production
Herein lays the problem. Very few of us are perfectly healthy-far from it actually. The majority of people in the U.S. experience the negative effects of bad diets (we can blame fast food for that), and one of the major ones is an imbalance in the natural production of hormones. This happens in one of two ways, neither of which is positive. Too little or too much of any hormone can cause adverse side effects such as fatigue, rapid weight gain, infertility, and a number of other problems. Thus, keeping your body's hormone production cycle in check is paramount, and here is how to do it.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Got Constipation? Maybe Probiotics Can Help!

If you tried the three tried-and-true methods for relieving constipation:
  • Investigating the possibility of an obstruction or disease in the colon
  • Slowly increasing fiber from whole foods in your diet along with your water intake and
  • Getting out of your chair and engaging in regular exercise
and you still have irregularity problems, then maybe you don't have the right balance of bacteria and yeast microbes in your digestive system to deal with the increased fiber and help your digestive system run more smoothly. The beneficial bacteria and yeasts are called probiotics.
If you haven't tried probiotics for constipation, then they may be the answer you seek. Probiotics are live organisms that deliver health benefits to the host. Probiotics can be found in many cultured foods, fermented drinks, probiotic-fortified foods and drinks, and probiotic supplements. They ferment some of that healthy fiber that you are eating from whole foods and convert it into substances that either your colon cells can use for energy or to other helpful materials for your body.
Scientific data is available which shows that the kinds and numbers of bacteria and yeasts in the digestive tract differ between healthy individuals and those that experience chronic constipation. People with chronic constipation usually have higher levels of the more pathogenic (disease-causing) microbes than healthy people. This imbalance of microbes is called "dysbiosis" and it can lead to constipation.

Bringing Back From to Life From First Aid

Have you ever been in a situation where you find someone dealing with health problem or an accident and you don't knows what to do? Although, it's very common to find people around you suffering from ailments while travelling or going to work, moreover it gives you a very warm feeling when walking down to the person, sharing your small knowledge turns out to be a life saving. Where this life saving knowledge can only are learnt from the education imparted on First Aid. First aid is not a training given for medical extensive but with this, it can be rest assured for making a difference when it is the matter of life and death.
In UK every year, thousands of people die or curiously injured in accidents. Many of these deaths could have been blocked if first aid was to the injured at the scene of the accident before waiting for the emergency services arrive. The first few minutes after an injury are very crucial for the survivor, thus if given some first aid instantly can lower the risk 100 times.
  • There were 24, 690 serious injuries and 2,222 fatalities on the UK's roads in 2009
  • The British Heart Foundation predicted that there are approximately 124, 000 heart attacks each year in the UK.
  • Road accidents are one of the top ten causes of death in all over world.