Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Are You Scared You'll Eat All the Halloween Candy?

Well it's that time of the year when everywhere you look you see candy, treats and sugary temptations all about. If you are in the Zone - meaning on track with your healthy habits - this may not even faze you. But if you aren't look out! This seemigly innocent holiday is loaded with abandon and regret. Sure it tastes good for a minute or two and then you are fiddled with guilt and remorse wishing you could have more self control. Well don't worry it only lasts a few weeks right? However, you could let this type of snacking take over and it could last well into Thanksgiving and beyond. You'll end up crying in front of your mirror when the actual holidays come around and you are unable to fit into the new dress you just bought a few months back.
OK - I will not go on about this potential disaster any longer but rather give you some strategies of how to overcome the temptations.
Here are your 5 strategies on how to handle Halloween and even have a healthy one...
5 Halloween Strategies:
Strategy #1 Don't go down the candy aisle. I witnessed today while shopping that during Halloween there is no designated candy aisle - there is literally candy everywhere you turn. So take a breathe and focus on why you went shopping in the first place to buy chicken, eggs and some fresh vegetables - lots of them. Write out a list if that helps and don't buy off the list. If you don't feel that strong - give the list to your husband, neighbor or teenager (yes, some will) and ask them to go shopping for you. Enroll others help. Or munch on an apple before you go into the store - that will curb your sweet tooth. Also drink some water as that will reduce hunger. You'll end up making wrong choices if you shop when you're hungry.
Strategy #2 Give something else. You might be someone who loves to hand out candy to neighborhood kids so this strategy won't work. My husband and I lived in rural Malibu for many years and actually seldom had children come by on Halloween for their yearly trick or treat. We kind of got used to not having candy around because we didn't need it on that Hallowed Eve.

I grew up in a neighborhood full of children and Halloween was a major event. I remember coming home several times during the evening to unload my stash and go out again. My mother enjoyed seeing all the apples I brought home. (Yes, in those days apples were given often) and knew she'd be in the kitchen the next day making dozens of apple pies. There were 10 of us in my household - so, yes dozens of pies. The tip here is that you don't always have to give candy, try something else instead - be creative.
Strategy #3 Go out on Halloween. Go to a party, go out to dinner - distract yourself from the candy craziness. You don't have to be at home waiting for youngsters to appear at your door in order to enjoy Halloween. Remember it's really about not having the temptation around you. My husband and I went out last Halloween. While dining at one of our favorite restaurants we noticed everyone was having a good time. Customers, as well as staff, had some funny costumes on and the fun energy was contagious. We were able to enjoy a healthy meal as well as the festivities around us.
Strategy #4 Homemade Baking anyone? Why does everyone like baking or baked goods? They represent more love and less processing right? If you choose to bake your treat this Halloween make sure you use quality ingredients. I must admit I seldom bake - I have a sweet tooth so it's best that I don't have much of this kind of stuff around. One of the reasons I do what I do is to not only help a lot of people, but my dedication to my work also helps keep me in line and causes me to be focused on my healthy habits.
You could also try some new products on the market like Crunchies. They are a quick and healthy alternative to baked and heavily processed treats. Crunchies are simply dehydrated fruits and veggies which are colorful, taste yummy and good for your kids, too.
Strategy #5 Being a Responsible Kid. You can play and have fun like a kid but it doesn't mean you have to eat like one. Kids today are still encouraged by advertisers and peers to eat a lot of sugar and salty foods as well beverages loaded with caffeine. Join me on the mission to change that cultural trend. Munching responsibly, even during Halloween, is good for you and it also sets a wonderful example for the children (and everyone else) in your life. However, if you feel disciplined and strong enough, go ahead have a little of the forbidden treat - just a little - that's it. Learn to munch responsibly.

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