Friday, October 4, 2013

Being Powerless - Illusion of Alcoholics Anonymous

Hi there beautiful being - welcome to the world of power. In this world, judgment of you stops & you reclaim your personal potency, knowing you are not victim to anything and no longer have to look to others for your answers. Potency is innate power without using force and minus control.
I am wondering -
√ Have you struggled with addictions?
√ What if you could stop judging those addictions as wrong?
√ What if your purpose were to remember that you were created in perfection and to acknowledge who you are with every choice?
We have been taught from infancy to believe we are powerless - that others have the control. We have been programmed to give our power away to our families, our religious institutions, our schools and governments. Even AA, has encouraged you to give away your power with its first step, "We admitted we were powerless over alcohol, that our lives had become unmanageable."
Oh my goddess, what a blatant lie! I am here to assure you that we are powerless over no - thing, nothing. Rather, we are the POWER, our own SUPER POWER - we are powerful creators who create our life's experiences by our thoughts which ultimately bring about our feelings. Everything is energy... our experiences validate what our thoughts have been vibrating.

Alcoholics Anonymous was founded in the 1930's during an enormous depression time in the US - no wonder it was built on the "powerless idea" when the country was feeling so powerless during the economic depression and sandwiched between the two world wars. And, because of that original energy, modern day AA still maintains the victim vibration of having the addiction be in charge, rather than using our power because we are the power, as our natural state of being.
SO - could you now dump your belief in powerlessness and accept yourself as the POWER? If you see this as your truth, please accept the following SUPER POWER PATH exercise to awaken your full power, as my gift to you.
1. First - Relax yourself and get comfortable
2. In your mind's eye, I would like you to see 2 boxes.
3. Label one as POWERFUL, label the other as POWERLESS
4. Please notice the size of each box.
5. See, hear, sense and become aware of the differences and similarities in their energies. Each has its own vibration.

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